

圣珍妮 de Lestonnac School is blessed with a variety of technologies and adaptive learning platforms designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our teaching, as well as provide opportunities for students to master the hard and soft skills demanded in high school, 大学, 和职业.

Our goal is not just to have technology present in classrooms but to integrate it into a contemporary model of personalized learning and instruction through a 1-to-1 technology program. 我们指导和指导我们的学生注意他们的“数字纹身”," recognizing the importance of responsible digital citizenship and adhering to the school's technology Acceptable Usage Policy.

Accepting that our students are most engaged in learning environments involving various technologies and that differentiated instruction can be greatly enhanced through a developed plan utilizing 人工智能 (AI), 圣珍妮 de Lestonnac School has committed to a focused strategy of resource allocation and budgetary decisions. 这确保了持续的收购, 更新, 和培训, keeping our technology program relevant to the ever-changing pace of education reform.

Providing our students with a 1-to-1 learning environment equips them with the foundations needed to excel with the technology demanded in high school, 大学, 工作场所. 我们的目的是引导学生在各个年级的适当水平, 道德, 以及技术平台的道德使用, enhancing student-centered classrooms where discovery-based learning is married with challenge-based education. We expect our students to acquire knowledge through open-ended questions that require data interpretation, 协作, 辩论, 讨论, 创造性思维, 使用云计算, AI, 适应性学习管理系统, 以及模拟真实学习的评估.

圣珍妮 de Lestonnac School prepares our students to adapt to various learning environments requiring understanding and mastery of diverse skill sets. 通过不同的解决方法, 我们的学生通过获取21世纪的技能, 相互作用, 分析, 制作数字内容. The use of 1-to-1 computing allows our students to engage with content and resources continuously, blending formalized instruction with digital content and enabling them to experience various learning modalities while becoming independent learners.

Our technology plan involves the use of iPads required for all 3rd-8th grade students, 从幼儿园到二年级都有额外的ipad. Content ranges from adaptive learning apps focused on curriculum-centered skills to accessing digital resources for Religion, 数学, 科学, 阅读, 和西班牙语. 学习者与主动响应系统应用程序互动, allowing teachers to formatively assess progress and enabling interaction with peers and teachers through backchanneling and collaborative networks. 学生还可以获得, 相互作用, 并通过学校的学习管理系统以数字方式提交作业.

We are committed to equipping each student with the digital media literacy skills necessary for today's diverse and technologically ubiquitous learning environments. 圣珍妮’s focuses on producing lifelong learners driven to make solid moral and 道德 decisions as they utilize technology in life and for life.


Building a foundational understanding of how AI systems work prepares students for future careers in computer science and technology-related fields and ensures they enter the workforce as knowledgeable, 聪明的人工智能消费者. A strong conceptual understanding of AI empowers students to adapt and contribute to an evolving workforce (CA DOE 2023).

在圣贞德莱斯顿纳克天主教学校, our mission is rooted in assisting students to cultivate a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ while striving for excellence in education and living a life of service, 根据福音书. This policy outlines the principles guiding the use of AI by students within the school community.

We recognize the potential benefits of AI in advancing education and fostering innovative learning experiences. 然而, 至关重要的是,它的整合符合我们的基本价值观, 提倡负责任的行为, 学术, 维持以基督为中心的学习环境. 符合我们的使命, 鼓励学生利用人工智能进行教育, 包括研究, 加强学习经验, 并为与我们课程相一致的学术项目做出贡献.

在我们的社会中,尊重每个人的尊严是最重要的. 因此, students are expected to use AI in a manner that upholds the inherent dignity of every individual. Any use involving harassment, discrimination, or harm to others is strictly prohibited. 此外,必须维护个人信息的隐私和安全. Students must exercise caution when using AI to avoid compromising privacy or engaging in activities that breach data security. In alignment with our commitment to honesty and integrity, the 道德 use of AI is paramount. Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty facilitated by AI is strictly prohibited.

我们的宗教价值观指导着人工智能的使用. Students are expected to integrate AI in a manner consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Any use conflicting with our religious values or promoting ideologies contrary to the Gospel or Catholic doctrine is not allowed.

人工智能的监督使用确保遵守这一政策. 教师和工作人员将指导学生, helping them navigate appropriate applications of AI following the school's mission. 我们应该利用人工智能来加强学校内部的协作和社区建设. Students are encouraged to use AI to support their peers and contribute positively to the school community.

鼓励持续学习, and students are urged to explore AI technologies for personal growth and academic advancement. The school will provide resources and support to foster responsible and innovative use of AI.

违反这一政策可能导致纪律处分, 从咨询和学术处罚到停学或开除, 取决于违法行为的性质和严重程度.

This policy will undergo periodic reviews to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. 可作出修订,以反映技术的变化, 教育实践, 或者学校的使命.

通过接受这个AI使用政策, students at 圣珍妮 de Lestonnac Catholic School actively contribute to creating a Christ-centered and technology-responsible learning environment.




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